Nurse Services
Prescriptions and over-the counter medication can be given at school; if it is deemed necessary that medication be given during school hours. No herbal or homeopathic medications or vitamins may be given at school. Students may not self-administer medications. Prescription medication must be in its original container with the student's name on the prescription label. The medication must be current. Consent to administer medication must be on file and must include:
- Student name
- Name of medication
- Amount and time to be given
- Discontinue date
- Parent/Guardian signature
The parent's instruction for administration cannot be in conflict with the prescription label. Over-the-counter medication that is kept at school for the entire year needs to have a physician note attached and the condition specified for which the medication is needed.
Every year, most elementary schools are confronted with pediculosis, commonly known as head lice. Typically we see increases in cases of head lice during those periods following vacations; any time children begin to spend greater amounts of time indoors and in close proximity to one another or at sleepovers.
Early identification of lice and prompt treatment can successfully prevent the spread of lice to others. Early detection of head lice is imperative to controlling the spread and the treatment of the condition. It is very important for parents to check their child’s head for lice on a regular basis. Screening at home helps to preserve the learning environment and your family’s privacy. Your assistance with this matter will be much appreciated.
Please click on the following link for information about head lice provided by the Texas Department of Health. Head Lice Information
Vision and Hearing Screenings
In accordance with State Law, periodic hearing and vision screenings will be provided for students who are new to Texas schools and those in PreK, Kindergarten, and 1st, 3rd and 5th Grades. Scoliosis screenings are required for 5th grade girls.
Extra Clothing:
Please make sure your child has an extra pair of clothes including underwear and socks in their backpack at all times. Sometimes the students can have accidents. By having an extra pair of clothes you do not have to leave work to bring them new clothes.
If you have any additional questions or concerns please free to contact me at 512-594-6235 or email me at Olga Carew.